This year went great. I had46 leaders, in which I had 7 guys and 39 girls. This is the most I have ever had in all the years of Wellsville and Project Be Fit. We were able to reach all Harbor creek schools grades – kindergarten through 3rd grade reaching 632 students. We also reached North East grades kindergarten – 2nd grade reaching 400 students. We did both program 1 and program 2. Click here to read more…
Mrs. Deanna Walk, Harbor Creek High School Health and Physical Education teacher
To Whom It May Concern: Corry Elementary School was fortunate enough to have “Wellsville Goes to School” visit 250 of our students in grades K-2 on May 9, 2014. Corry Elementary School is home to 520 students in grades K-6 primarily residing in the City of Corry. 70% of our students qualify for free/reduced lunch pricing and nearly 30% receive some type of special education programming. To say the least, our children currently face more adversity than many of us will face in our entire lifetime. WGTS delivered a powerful message about wellness, healthy living and hope which energized and inspired our young learners. Click here to read more…
Matthew J. Patterson, Principal, CORRY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT
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