Need Help for an Injury?
Sports injuries…falls…daily living mishaps…if you or your family members have ever suffered such an injury, you may have wondered whom to call. In some cases, [...]
Heads Up!
Parents and grandparents probably remember riding bikes with no protective gear at all, but times changed and most kids today know the importance of wearing [...]
What Are Common Sports Injuries and Treatment Options for Kids?
Shoulder dislocation- this can happen when your arm is forced backward when being held straight out to the side. If you hear a loud popping [...]
What Do Occupational Therapists Do?
Occupational therapists help people of all ages do things they want and need to do by using daily activities (occupations). Occupations are a part of [...]
What Do Physical Therapists Do?
Physical therapists help a person with an injury get better using specially designed exercises and tools instead of medications or surgery. Physical therapists are MOVEMENT [...]
Bones and Muscles, Keep Them Healthy!
If you have ever broken a bone or strained a muscle, you know how such an injury can affect your life. Sometimes for weeks or [...]
Proper Posture Is Essential!
The way we carry ourselves is something we often don’t think about but is very important. It can show confidence and strength. It can help [...]
Watch Out! Common Mistakes People Make While Exercising
It’s so important to move some way every day! Activity boosts your mood, gets your blood flowing, keeps muscles and bones healthy, and can help [...]
What is kinesiology taping and when is it appropriate use?
Kinesiology means the study of body movement. Kinesiology taping helps the body recover by using tape to provide support and stability to muscles and joints [...]
Stay safe! Tips to help prevent musculoskeletal injuries in healthy kids and adults.
The word musculoskeletal is exactly what it sounds like! It’s simply your muscles and bones along with tendons (which connect bone to muscle), ligaments (which [...]
Brain Boosting Foods
It is so important that we exercise our brain and try new things to challenge ourselves every day, but it is also important to fuel [...]
Stressed Out – Do This Instead of Turning to Food
Have you ever been stressed out before? You may think that is a silly question, but we need to prepare ourselves for stressful situations because [...]
The Power of the Media and What We Eat
Screens are everywhere! Where? Screens are in our living rooms, at the doctor offices, in schools and on airplanes to name a few. Depending on [...]
Mind Your Manners When… Eating
When we think of manners, we think of words like please, thank you, excuse me, and may I. But did you know that not only [...]
Help our Environment by not Wasting Food – Here’s How
It is so important that we take care of our environment and one way that we can do this is by being mindful of the [...]
Get Your GI Tract on Track!
Let’s talk fiber! I’m sure you have heard about it in the media and how it is important in lowering your cholesterol. But do you [...]
The Sunshine Vitamin That We All Need
It is so important for us to get up and move our bodies. One of the best ways we can do this is by getting [...]
Having Fun with Food!
You may be thinking of what did I just read? Have fun with my food? Eating is actually an art and a science. There is [...]
Don’t Worry….Be Happy
What makes YOU happy? Did you know that most people choose positive family connections over money or fame when asked what makes them happy? Eating [...]
ABCs for your EYEs
We all know that carrots are good for your eyes, but do you know why? Carrots, like other orange veggies and fruits such as winter [...]
All in moderation: Active approach achieves fitness goals.
By now, most people have heard about or read the “Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General,” which concludes that a lack [...]
ABC’s of Health
Letter ‘E’ should be for exercise, to reduce health risks One in 17 Americans – a total of 16 million people – has diabetes, according to [...]
A healthy start: Exercise should begin in childhood
Fifty percent of our young people ages 12 to 21 are not physically active at all. Moreover, 60 percent of those that do exercise are [...]
A good night’s sleep helps body heal and mind prepare
We all want to get a restful night’s sleep, because when we do, we feel alert, alive and well the next day. But everybody’s sleep [...]
Word Up
Active Listening Hearing and listening are 2 different things. Hearing is when the words and sounds of someone who is talking enter your ears and [...]
Personal Best
Have you ever watched a great athlete such as the ones who competed in the Olympics? I love watching the ice skaters! Those athletes [...]
Personal Best
Have you ever watched a great athlete such as the ones who competed in the Olympics? I love watching the ice skaters! Those athletes are [...]
All in moderation: Active approach achieves fitness goals.
By now, most people have heard about or read the “Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General,” which concludes that a lack [...]
ABC’s of Health
Letter ‘E’ should be for exercise, to reduce health risks One in 17 Americans – a total of 16 million people – has diabetes, according [...]
A healthy start: Exercise should begin in childhood
A healthy start: Exercise should begin in childhood Fifty percent of our young people ages 12 to 21 are not physically active at all. Moreover, [...]
Nutrigenomics is the study of the relationship between nutrition, genetics and health. Scientists want to have a better understanding of how nutrition impacts how our [...]